Super Visa


10+ Years of Experience

Super Visa

The Super Visa is a type of Canadian visa that allows parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to visit and stay in Canada for an extended period of time. The Super Visa is valid for up to 10 years, and it allows holders to remain in Canada for up to 5 years.

To be eligible for a Super Visa, applicants must meet certain requirements, including providing proof of their relationship to their Canadian child or grandchild, undergoing a medical examination, and obtaining private medical insurance for the duration of their stay in Canada. They must also demonstrate that they have sufficient financial resources to support themselves during their visit.

Canada is a nation of DREAMS

The financial requirements for the Super Visa are based on the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO), which is the minimum level of income that a sponsor must have to support their family members in Canada. The LICO varies depending on the size of the family unit, and it is updated annually by the Canadian government. As of 2023, the minimum necessary income for a sponsor of a Super Visa applicant is:

  • For a family unit size of 2 persons: $32,270
  • For a family unit size of 3 persons: $39,672
  • For a family unit size of 4 persons: $48,167
  • For each additional person: $8,495

It's important to note that the sponsor must show that they meet the minimum necessary income level for the most recent taxation year. The sponsor must also provide a written statement promising to financially support the applicant(s) for the duration of their stay in Canada.

eligibility requirements for a Canadian visitor visa

Additionally, Super Visa applicants must meet the usual eligibility requirements for a Canadian visitor visa, including providing a valid passport, being in good health, having no criminal record, and demonstrating that they will leave Canada at the end of their authorized stay.

In summary, the Super Visa provides a convenient option for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who wish to visit Canada for an extended period of time. The financial requirements for the sponsor are based on the LICO and must be met for the most recent taxation year preceding the application. Applicants must meet the usual eligibility requirements for a Canadian visitor visa, as well as provide proof of their relationship to their Canadian child or grandchild, undergo a medical examination, and obtain private medical insurance.

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